Foundations Programme
£100 Discount Available!
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Who is it for?
This programme is designed for beginners!
Whether you're new to bodyweight training or just need some guidance, our Foundations Program is here to help! It’s easy to follow, with adjustable workouts tailored to fit you!
Each exercise has instructions on how to make things easier. There's a complete tutorial video that walks you through every step.
(example showing strength variations and the corresponding tutorial)
How does it work?
The full programme consists of 3 disciplines: Strength, Flexibility, and Handstands.
Ideally, you will train all 3 at once. The programmes are designed for the 3 to fit together. But you can buy the disciplines individually if you prefer!
Each discipline contains 4 Tiers (as shown in image)
Tier 0 is a 4 week introduction to the basics needed for the following Tiers
Tiers 1, 2 and 3 all contain 3 Phases each, lasting a total of 18 weeks (as shown)
(example showing Flexilibility Programme)
What will I achieve?
Each Phase will have a list of goals that you are aiming to reach. If you use these correctly to keep yourself accountable, by the end of the full programme you should be able to perform the following:
Chin Ups
Gymnastic Ring Dips
Hanging Leg Raises
10 seconds+ balance in a straight Handstand
A full forward fold (hands to floor)
A comfortable Resting Squat
And be on your way to a full pancake, front and side splits
This programme will not only help you achieve these great bodyweight skills - it will also provide you with a well structured physical training practice to keep you strong, mobile and learning new things! It's very well rounded and will cover a lot of areas of the body that other training methods often miss out on.
The programme will focus on…
Why choose this programme?
My goal is to make bodyweight training accessible and help you feel confident starting your practice. I've done this by providing a realistic and sustainable journey to follow.
With so much confusing fitness information out there, this programme focuses on the essentials. This is not only a great investment for bodyweight skills but also one for your physical self!
You don’t need a gym membership or fancy equipment. You only need gymnastic rings, a wall, yoga blocks, and resistance bands.
Follow this programme consistently, and you'll see real progress!
Our Students
All of the methods you’ll come across in the programme have been tested on hundreds of people before you! Here are a few results from our students so far
How much is it?
£250 for the Full Foundations Programme (includes all disciplines).
With over 12 months of programming, that’s less than £1 a day for your full bodyweight training!
Or £100 for each individual discipline (Strength, Handstands or Flexibility)