Strength, Flexibility & Handstands

Full Training Programme
One time

Get access to the Flexibility, Strength and Handstand programmes

✓ Work on all 3 disciplines!
✓ Training Schedule options based on desired volume
✓ 180+ Video tutorials for all exercises + helpful tips
✓ 30 Phases of Training lasting you over 12 months!
✓ Lifetime access to all future updates

Single Discipline Programmes

Flexibility Programme
One time

Work towards your Forward Fold, Pancake, Front and Middle Splits!

✓ 50+ Video tutorials for all exercises + helpful tips
✓ 10 Phases of Training lasting you over 12 months!
✓ Lifetime access to all future updates
Strength Programme
One time

Get your Chin-up & Dip!

✓ 70+ Video tutorials for all exercises + helpful tips
✓ 10 Phases of Training lasting you over 12 months!
✓ Lifetime access to all future updates
Handstand Programme
One time

Work towards your Freestanding Handstand

✓ 40+ Video tutorials for all exercises + helpful tips
✓ 10 Phases of Training lasting you over 12 months!
✓ Lifetime access to all future updates

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